Just Be Ordinary?

Isn’t that what the rest of the world demands of you? Fit in, conform, update; just be part of what everyone else is doing. You may dare to be different at your own risk. Rejection, mockery, ridicule, exclusion, or just plain being ignored are some of the risks you will take. The fear of being on the receiving end of these things is the most basic fear of not being loved. We all want to be loved.

Those around you don’t know how to react when things are not “status quo.” They have been trained from birth to be ordinary, and no matter what culture currently dictates; this is their normal. In this system, it is the opinion of the majority that makes the rules. We are well aware of how opinions can change, thus swaying the bar of normalcy to and fro. The average person could collapse from exhaustion in an attempt to be “normal” and some consistently reach for underachievement to simply appear “ordinary.”

Mention the name Jesus, and you are likely to get written off by the majority. Why is that I wonder? Everything I have read about the life and character of Jesus is good. He spent his time trying to explain the complexities of God in stories that people could relate to. He sought out the desperate and the sick and brought restoration and healing. He made himself available to all, not making any distinctions and not asking for anything in return. He didn’t even fight back when he was being tried and executed, because he was fulfilling the will of God for the salvation of ALL people. (not only the really good ones, but ALL)

Jesus was not “ordinary” nor was he normal. He was extraordinary. He stood up for, and he stood out against anything that opposed his most basic characteristic, the most basic characteristic of The Father he came to represent….LOVE. In my opinion, that’s the kind of guy worth mentioning! That’s the kind of Savior worth serving! That’s the kind of God worth believing in. I don’t think I can do that and just be ordinary. Besides, God didn’t create me for mediocrity. He created me to be extraordinary. So if I appear a bit overzealous at times, if I appear to be striving for something you don’t understand, if I seem like I’m wasting my life on pursuits that are a little out of the ordinary…I invite you to get to know my creator. He made YOU for something special too!

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

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