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Rest she said....

I have a wonderful group of friends, and about 20 of them currently meet with me on Tuesday mornings for a Bible Study. We happen to be studying Lisa Bevere’s “Girls with Swords” (yes I will shamelessly give her a…

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Half way Free

It was gradual at first. A little bit of discomfort in my left shoulder, then wham! Mobility was halted and the pain was excruciating! By Sunday morning I just wanted to lay in bed and nurse my screaming back, arm…Read more

Faith Found In the Hours of My Deepest Need

I’ve been listening to the entire New Testament on CD (The Bible Experience) and somewhat dissecting my level of faith and obedience to the Word of God. At the same time I have been listening to short videos from…

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I am a New Creation
I have the Name of Jesus
I look like Jesus
I am clothed in His Righteousness
I am filled with the Life of Jesus
The Name of Jesus is stamped on me
I am filled… Read more

Still a mess? God will use you anyway.

I've been reading Old Testament lately and re-seeing that people have basically been a mess since the beginning of time. From the lowly to the Kings, people struggle with their flesh and their pride. God used them anyway! There were…

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Don't Wait

Don't wait until a personal catastrophe happens to seek a "relationship" with God (yes relationship, not ritual or religion). In order to make it through the rough times, you must already HAVE a relationship with God and with other believers…Read more

Grieving Heart

What do you do when your heart grieves? How do you comfort that place in your chest that aches as hot tears flood your eyes and trickle down your face turning cold and unrelenting. There are support groups for those…

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Falling Away from Jesus

Friends.....The great "falling away" won't be an event, it will happen in a slow decline as you choose every little distraction over time spent with God; as you find something else to do on your weekends, replacing church with leisure…Read more

Bulk up the Church?

I woke up this morning in the middle of a dream and I was prompted to get up and blog it.
In my dream I was invited to attend a church committee meeting. I was seated at a large circle…Read more

Praying for Lionel

Praying for Lionel
This is a testimony of how God works.
I have a friend who is undergoing chemo. She called the day before and asked if I could take her if the weather became unmanageable for her father to…Read more

EXCLUDE-sive Christianity

And the King shall answer and say unto them,
Verily I say unto you, 
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least
of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matt 25:40 (KJV)  
EXCLUDE-sive ChristianityRead more

Backyard Revival

Backyard Revival 
“Bringing the Church to Denny & Irene”
It began when Irene posted pictures of the new ramp installed for Denny’s wheelchair on the back of her home. Her husband Denny had fought and won a long battle with…Read more

Let us pray.... while there is still time

Let Us Pray... while there is still time.
Prayer is something that we as believers should be doing on a daily basis and yet can so easily be pushed down the list of "things to do." We live our lives…Read more

"A Fight to the Finish with the Armor of God"

A Fight to the Finish with the Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18 (NIV, The Message)
God is strong, and He wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And…Read more

Why Should I Pray?

Why Should I Pray?
"We got to pray if we gonna make it today!" (M.C. Hammer) Beginning your day with prayer invites God into the details. Ending your day with prayer gives you an opportunity to be thankful for His…Read more

Pray The Lord's Prayer over your loved ones

Pray The Lord's Prayer over your loved ones
One of the most beautiful prayers - the Lord's Prayer - may sound simple or traditional, but His prayer has profound and lasting impact, which is fresh and new every day. For…Read more

Homeless, hopeless, where can they go?

Homeless, hopeless, where can they go?
I had the experience of sitting in the Catholic Diocese Center for the Homeless waiting room in Richmond, VA for an hour last week. It was one of the saddest experiences of my life…Read more

Peace Like a River

Peace Like a River
There are few things that are more soothing than to sit back, rest and gaze upon a river that is calm and smooth and reflective of a glorious sky above. You can imagine this scene at…Read more